3 New Mastery Builds – Marvel Contest of Champions
Today we got 3 new mastery builds for Marvel’ Contest of Champions in 2016. Each has their pros and cons but basically after all our testing these are 3 general directions of builds we feel comfortable with. Of course with anything you can move points around to your heart’s content to fit any of your unique styles. And finally we’re not saying these are the only 3 directions we’re seeing as the best. We just wanted to give you the players some midterm guidance.
Our other Masterie Guide is maybe a little outdated for the game in 2016, since a lot of thinks have changed since then, but you could also have a look there.
Our other Masterie Guide is maybe a little outdated for the game in 2016, since a lot of thinks have changed since then, but you could also have a look there.
3 New Mastery Builds
1. Single Suicide DE-ez Nutz
An arena build that can hold its salt in AW and AQ. Being despaired won’t hurt to bad and it will only last 16 seconds so Man Up. Hits hard.
Strength 1/9
G Strength 1/9
Courage 1/3
Pierce 1/3
L Precision 1/5
Precision 5/5
L Cruelty 1/5
Cruelty 5/5
Glass Cannon 1/3
Recoil 1/3
Double Edge 3/3
Strength 1/9
G Strength 1/9
Courage 1/3
Pierce 1/3
L Precision 1/5
Precision 5/5
L Cruelty 1/5
Cruelty 5/5
Glass Cannon 1/3
Recoil 1/3
Double Edge 3/3
—- new stuff below —-
Despair 1/3
Deep Wounds 1/3
Assassin 5/5 <- (could swap some with deep wounds or inequity)
—- (alternatively could swap 7 above for Pierce 3/3 and Pure Skill 5/5 if you’re the skill slayer in AW, or pull 2 off to get 11 in utility and Detect Science which is pretty necessary on tier 1 maps)
Deep Wounds 1/3
Assassin 5/5 <- (could swap some with deep wounds or inequity)
—- (alternatively could swap 7 above for Pierce 3/3 and Pure Skill 5/5 if you’re the skill slayer in AW, or pull 2 off to get 11 in utility and Detect Science which is pretty necessary on tier 1 maps)
Vitality 1/9
G Vitality 1/9
Salve 3/3
Recovery 3/3
Block Prof 4/4
Perfect Block 1/4
Stand Your Ground 2/5
Willpower 3/3
Coagulate 3/3
Vitality 1/9
G Vitality 1/9
Salve 3/3
Recovery 3/3
Block Prof 4/4
Perfect Block 1/4
Stand Your Ground 2/5
Willpower 3/3
Coagulate 3/3
Limber 1/5
Dexterity 1/3
Parry 3/3
Stupefy 3/3
Petrify 2/3 <- (could swap with deep wounds or inequity)
Limber 1/5
Dexterity 1/3
Parry 3/3
Stupefy 3/3
Petrify 2/3 <- (could swap with deep wounds or inequity)
Note: If you’re going full out balls to the walls arena grinding and don’t care about 16 seconds of health loss of a few hp at the beginning of the matches. You can modify this build to drop Petrify, and 1 in Assassin down to 4 to put 3 into Liquid Courage. We call this modification Deez Liquid Nutz.
2. Mystic Defender
If you’re that guy (or gal) with that r5 duped strange and witch and a 5* juggernaut to boot this could be the build for you. You don’t have to have them all because the build is solid all around but it allows you amazing offense with Mystics and the ability to offset damage with inequity. It also gives your AW defenders on Mini Boss nodes (300%+ health) annoying fucking healing. We were fighting a cyclops r4/55 and that guy was healing 316 hp every tic when he was parried… And that’s with max despair!
Strength 1/9
G Strength 1/9
Courage 1/3
Pierce 1/3
L Precision 1/5
Precision 5/5
L Cruelty 1/5
Cruelty 5/5
Despair 1/3 OR 3/3
Deep Wounds 1/3
Assassin 5/5 OR 3/5 <- (Why Assassin? It will help you finishes bosses in AW and help your AW defenders deal devastating blows at the end even if the enemy is parrying / blocking.)
Strength 1/9
G Strength 1/9
Courage 1/3
Pierce 1/3
L Precision 1/5
Precision 5/5
L Cruelty 1/5
Cruelty 5/5
Despair 1/3 OR 3/3
Deep Wounds 1/3
Assassin 5/5 OR 3/5 <- (Why Assassin? It will help you finishes bosses in AW and help your AW defenders deal devastating blows at the end even if the enemy is parrying / blocking.)
Vitality 1/9
G Vitality 1/9
Salve 3/3
Recovery 3/3
Block Prof 4/4
Vitality 1/9
G Vitality 1/9
Salve 3/3
Recovery 3/3
Block Prof 4/4
+ 3 more discretionary points of your spending to get to 15
Willpower 1/3 OR 3/3 <- See the note below:
Inequity 3/3 OR 0 + discretionary point for elsewhere <- (Inequity will help your witch be more robust. We recommend it because if you’re spending this much to get to willpower why not get inequity. Alternatively you could Max Willpower and save the additional point to go somewhere else. 0.5% to 0.7% isn’t much for you on the offense however for each 100K health a boss has, willpower 1 will yield 250 a tic, versus 350 a tic for willpower 3. It starts to get noticeable. So consider are you the guy setting the boss / minibosses?)
Willpower 1/3 OR 3/3 <- See the note below:
Inequity 3/3 OR 0 + discretionary point for elsewhere <- (Inequity will help your witch be more robust. We recommend it because if you’re spending this much to get to willpower why not get inequity. Alternatively you could Max Willpower and save the additional point to go somewhere else. 0.5% to 0.7% isn’t much for you on the offense however for each 100K health a boss has, willpower 1 will yield 250 a tic, versus 350 a tic for willpower 3. It starts to get noticeable. So consider are you the guy setting the boss / minibosses?)
Limber 1/5
Dexterity 1/3
Parry 3/3
Stupefy 3/3
Petrify 3/3
Mystic Dispersion 5/5 <- We seriously recommend this max
Detect Science 1/3 <- Extremely useful in AW to not go blindly into Science dudes
Limber 1/5
Dexterity 1/3
Parry 3/3
Stupefy 3/3
Petrify 3/3
Mystic Dispersion 5/5 <- We seriously recommend this max
Detect Science 1/3 <- Extremely useful in AW to not go blindly into Science dudes
3. Big O – Little D (aka BOLD)
A heavy offensive build that packs a hell of a punch. your AV, Daredevil, and Black Widow will shred through science nodes in AW. You’ll know where they are and March right through. You’re Mystics will be powerful too, because if you’re running this you’ll also be packing a punch with those Mystics on both offense and defense. The point of the little D is purely to give you’re champs some blocking ability. This build is very well-rounded for making a Majority of your champs useful. The downside is you don’t have any watered willpower so try not to get hit.
Strength 1/9
G Strength 1/9
Courage 1/3
Pierce 3/3
L Precision 1/5
Precision 5/5
L Cruelty 1/5
Cruelty 5/5
Despair 3/3 OR 1/3 <- questionable… extra 2 don’t even give more PI
Deep Wounds 3/3
Assassin 5/5
Pure Skill 5/5
(general note: the 11 additional points over Mystic Defender build is pretty much 5 pure skill, 2 Pierce, 2 despair, 2 deep wounds)
Strength 1/9
G Strength 1/9
Courage 1/3
Pierce 3/3
L Precision 1/5
Precision 5/5
L Cruelty 1/5
Cruelty 5/5
Despair 3/3 OR 1/3 <- questionable… extra 2 don’t even give more PI
Deep Wounds 3/3
Assassin 5/5
Pure Skill 5/5
(general note: the 11 additional points over Mystic Defender build is pretty much 5 pure skill, 2 Pierce, 2 despair, 2 deep wounds)
Vitality 1/9
G Vitality 1/9
Block Prof 4/4
Vitality 1/9
G Vitality 1/9
Block Prof 4/4
Limber 1/5
Dexterity 1/3
Parry 3/3
Stupefy 3/3
Petrify 3/3
Mystic Dispersion 5/5
Detect Sci. 1/3
Limber 1/5
Dexterity 1/3
Parry 3/3
Stupefy 3/3
Petrify 3/3
Mystic Dispersion 5/5
Detect Sci. 1/3
+2 discretionary points… it’s actually pretty damn good to run Scouter Lens and one other detect to get a view of what scale of enemy you’re facing and be able to help with some deductive reasoning.
Thanks to user ‘RoninNupe’ and ‘Trucos’ for helping to create this Mastery Builds for Marvel Contest of Champions.
More Tips for Masteries in Marvel’s Contest Champions
We hope this Mastery Build Guide was helpful for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment. If you have any more ideas for this mastery guide for Marvel’s Contest of Champions, let us also know this in the comments and we will this add this.
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